Thursday, May 1, 2008

What are the differences between commercial production and community produsage?

There are various differences that can be found between these two methods of creating content.

Production can be defined as "the creation of value or wealth by producing goods and services", where companies will create a product, that can usually be consumed by the public, from raw materials. These products are usually considered the 'final product', for once they are given to the mass audiences they are no longer able to be altered until the next revision of that product is released, which can be some time. The creation of products to the end user is a linear process, beginning at the producers, before being given to distributors to give to the public. End users usually have little contact with producers and therefore can't suggest improvements back to the producer. Products also have an finite supply, therefore once a product is bought, that specific product is no longer available to others, meaning they have to find another copy of the same product.

Produsage is a term to describe a new development in content creation, with a working definition of being "the collaborative and continuous building and extending of existing content in pursuit of further improvement". Produsage can be seen in the online environment amongst communities, who provide services where participants are permited to reuse and remix previous content. In this model, there is linear process that content goes through, instead content is available to all to view share. If users believe there are problems or difficulties with the content, they are then able to contribute their knowledge or opinion into it to improve it for the benefit of the community.

It is unknown where the community produsage will lead us in the future, however with the trends of making content more available online and traditional media creating digital counterparts of their products, there may be a rise in the use of produsage in the future.

1 comment:

sharni said...

I think your blog is a really good starting point for readers to understand the newly used term produsage especially when comparing this act with consumer production. You blog was the first I have found which identifies consumer production as well to supply the reader with the opposite to produsage, which I think helps in the understanding process. However I thought you could have talked in more detail about produsage, maybe sharing some examples through some links that the readers could use.

As I understand produsage has some preconditions for content and online communities to be recognised as being a produsage site. Maybe these preconditions could have been looked into to help the reader understand why some websites are known as produsage site and other not. However I thought the blog article was very well written and defines and term produsage well. It also answers the headline question for the readers, providing two links for further research.